Video Switchers, Scalers and Converters
Extron DVS 204 Digital Video Scaler

High performance digital video scaler
Inputs: Composite on BNC; composite, S-video, or component video on BNCs; S-video on 4-pin mini DIN; optional SDI configurable on any of the inputs
RGB pass-through input: one 15-pin HD
Outputs: RGB or component video on 15-pin HD or BNCs
Scales composite video, S-video, component video, and optional SDI with RGBHV pass-through
59 output rates from 640x480 to 1400x1050, including HDTV 1080p/60
- 1 (RGBHV, RGBS, RGsB) pass-through, RGBS, RGBcvS
- 1 composite video, S-video, component video (Y, R-Y, B-Y)
- 1 S-video, 1 SDI (optional, DVS 204D only)
- 1 composite video
- (1) 15-pin HD female................. RGB pass-through, RGBS, RGBcvS
- 3 BNC female........................... component video, S-video, composite video
- 1 BNC female........................... SDI (DVS 204D, DVS 204D 12 V only)
- (1) 4-pin mini DIN fe
- 1 Vp-p for Y of component video and S-video, and for composite video
- 0.7 Vp-p for RGB and for R-Y and B-Y of component video
- 0.3 Vp-p for C of S-video
- Minimum/maximum levels Analog: 0.0 V to 1.0 Vp-p with no offset
- Impedance 75 ohms
- Horizontal frequency NTSC 3.58, NTSC 4.43, PAL, SECAM
- Vertical frequency NTSC 3.58, NTSC 4.43, PAL, SECAM
- Resolution range NTSC 3.58, NTSC 4.43, PAL, SECAM
- Return loss <-25 dB @ 5 MHz
- DC offset (max. allowable) 1.5 V
- Decoder 9 bit digital
- Digital sampling 24 bit, 8 bits per color; 13.5 MHz standard
- Colors 16.78 million