Sound Mixing, Amplification and Processing
PEAVEY RQ 4324C Sound Mixer Board Console rentals Seattle

The RQ 4324 is a 24 channel, four bus mixer ideal for churches and club installations. Each channel has 6 Aux sends and there are two fully assignable stereo returns. Each channel has a high, low, sweepable mid frequency, and variable low cut, for maximum EQ control. There are two super channels with pad and polarity buttons and two zones of switchable phantom power. The back pannel on the RQ 4324 is inset, keeping the wires out of sight, this is perfect for installations. Each channel can be assigned to left, right, or a separate mono bus. This bus could be used for recording or for a separate mix for a center cluster or a remote room. The four buses have built in compressors. These are soft knee and require minimal setting, they have threshold and post compression gain controls. In the event that the compression is needed either on a channel or on the outputs, the compressors are equipped with reverse wired inserts. All that is needed is a simple stereo cable. Compressor 1/2 and 3/4 are linkable. There are inserts on the left, right and mono outputs. All of these along with Aux 1 through 4 are XLR balanced. The 1/4 inch line inputs on the two stereo channels can be used at the same time as the XLR inputs on those channels, separate input gain controls are provided. This increases the number of inputs that can be used simultaneously to 26.24 low noise XLR inputsTwo super channels with pad and polarity buttons 3-band EQ with sweepable mid-frequency & frequency variable low cutTwo zone switchable 48 V phantom power Six Aux sendsTwo fully assignable stereo returns with low cut Four built-in soft knee compressors Four sub groupsSeparate mono bus Seven XLR balanced outputs Switching power supply Recessed back panel hides wires